Permanency Resource Center and Kinship Program

Through the Family Forever! Adoptive and Kinship Families of the North Country Permanency Resource Centers (PRC), a variety of unique services are available to the following:

PRC Logo
  • Post-adoptive, post-legal guardianship, and Kinship families in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, and St. Lawrence Counties
The Family Forever! PRC program offers many types of support and resources, including:
  • Advocacy: We can accompany you to Court, DSS, school meetings, and more.
  • Respite care: Everyone needs a break sometimes. We provide fun, enriching activities for children to keep them engaged and entertained, while you enjoy some free time.
  • Support groups: A confidential, nurturing, and positive experience with others who understand what you are going through. Connecting with others this way provides you with a rich support network. Please check out the calendars below for current support groups offered in each county.
  • Educational workshops: We stay informed and work to provide information on topics relevant to you, and strive to be responsive to your needs. We regularly offer workshops to help families learn about navigating the legal system, child development, addressing challenging behavior, and more.
  • Home visits: We come to you and help you in the comfort of your own home, encouraging and supporting your family’s healthy development.
  • Youth programs: An opportunity for youth to engage in constructive, fun activities with other youth who have had similar experiences.
  • Family events: Welcoming the whole family to join in the fun and connect with our community of families!
  • Needs based assistance/information and referral services: We explore individual family needs and provide assistance on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes families have specific needs that can be served by additional programs in the community. We work with you individually to make connections with other community supports.


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Click here to download our brochure.


See our calendars and newsletter for upcoming events/news:

Our Newsletter

The Family Forever! Permanency Resource Center has three office locations: Plattsburgh, Malone, and Tupper Lake - but don’t worry, we will also come to where you are!

To contact us in:

Clinton and Eastern Essex County...
Call Tyler Perry at (518) 566-3472
Southern Franklin, Western Essex, Hamilton County and St. Lawrence County
Call Kristy Conlon at (518) 359-8167
Northern Franklin County and Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Call Heidi Soucis at (518) 481-7281
For general questions and to be connected with the appropriate coordinator
Call Juliette Lynch at (518) 566-3468

A New York State Office of Children and Family Services Kinship Caregivers Program and Permanency Resource Program.

Around the PRC